Thursday, March 02, 2006

On the Shoulder's of Giants- Part 3

3. Heroes invite our participation in the Kingdom cause – Reading the journals, letters, and stories of persevering missionaries reveal practical ways we can be involved in God’s Kingdom work wherever we are. There is an unfinished task left to our generation. How will we cooperate with God in His ongoing mission?

A crucial part of the ministry we are all called to is intercession on behalf of our missionaries. As we study the life and faith of these missionary heroes, the more fervently we are able to co-labor in prayer with and for those on the field today.

Remember, we each have a unique race marked out just for us. God’s specific assignment for my life will not be the same as that of my heroes, nor will yours, yet the possibilities of our ministry are no less incredible than those who have gone before. These giants of the missionary movement remind us that God still desires to perform miracles for His Name sake through ordinary men and women ready to expect and attempt great things for God.