Monday, May 01, 2006

Apostolic Passion

Here is an inspiring, practical "must-read" for anyone, particularly young adults, sensing a call into missions. Apostolic Passion is an incredible article by Floyd McClung (former International Director with Youth With a Mission). Part of the power of this article is that it is so succinct; every paragraph brims with power points. You have to read it slowly.

I've read it over and over, since first stumbling across it in my Perspectives mission course a few years ago and I mark it as a landmark read. Maybe it was just where I was in my journey, that is affected me so much. What is Apostolic Passion? Reading from my perspectives journal I came across this entry in March of2004, just after I had read the article for the first time.

"Apostolic passion is a hunger to see the glory of God praised from every people
so intensely that I am willing to sacrifice anything to have it. It is a "planning to go" mindset, but I must also be willing to stay. This passion is fed by four things: Abondonment, Focus, Prayer, and Mature Decision Making..."
The four points mentioned above, are addressed by Mr. McClung. Particularly, the illustration he shares of David Wilkerson and prayer is full color in my mind to this day.

I hope you take a few minutes to follow the above link and read Apostolic Passion and then come back to this blog and comment on your thoughts. What strikes you most? Which of the four areas of apostolic passion do you feel God calling you to grow in right now?