Thursday, April 13, 2006

Maps and Missions - Part 5 of 7

Why Maps?-Reason #5 of 7

Looking at maps can easily be turned into an enriching game for children to teach them about missions, geography, history, and government in God’s wild and wonderful world.

“Who can find Brazil first?”
“Who can find China. This country has many who still don't know Jesus?”
“Who can find the country of Sudan? It’s in Africa.”

A map is an ever ready game board.

As adults, our goal is to joyfully teach children about the world, and particularly about what is God is doing around the world, in such a way that gives them a hunger to learn more. Short and fast stints in front of the map stir natural curiosity.

Try it today with some children in your family or church and see what a simple resource it is for teaching children to have a heart for the world. Not because the map itself is anything spectacular, but because your own enthusiasm for the world spills over in your conversations around the map.