Thursday, March 30, 2006

Maps and Missions

It’s my dad’s fault world maps are one my favorite mission resources. To this day, we rarely eat dinner without a least one reference to the large world map we have framed and hanging on our dining room wall. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve learned more about physical and political geography around the dinner table than I ever did in a book.

When we hear about famine, war, a presidential tour, or spiritual revival taking place, dad always encourage to look it up on the map. When we get letters from missionaries, we look up their location. When we hear about unreached people groups still waiting for a missionary, we pinpoint where they are.

I’m sure there are many more than 7 reasons to put up a world map on your wall, but that’s at least a start to the tentative list I have planned to share. It may fluctuate. Each post this week I’m going to put up 1-2 of these reasons with a little explanation. There is such incredible potential for growing a missionary heart in world maps that I want to give it plenty of space on the blog this week and next.

On each of these “Maps and Missions” posts, I’ll also put up some exercises that will give you opportunity practice your map skills and learn more about what God is doing around the world.