Monday, March 13, 2006

Mission "Work"

"I have seen many men work without praying, though I have never seen any good come out of it; but I have never seen a man pray without working." - James Hudson Taylor

This quote is a great reminder for me today--the "work" of missions begins on my knees. It has to be restated a thousand times to my thick head because by nature I find it so much easier to talk about praying, rather than be still and pray. Daily prayer for the Harvest has to be a conscious choice.

Isn't it essentially true that talking about the prayer needs of millions waiting, about the suffering of persecuted Christians, about the needs of many faithful missionaries, etc..., equates to sounding brass and clanging cymbals unless we actually offer up the sacrifice of our own lips in real, live, fervent prayer.

But effectual prayer, lived out with action, that is just like Jesus.

When my heart is cold and I don't feel like praying for my brothers and sisters in Christ, or for those who haven't even had a chance of knowing the Jesus that has redeemed me from death, I find it best to be forthright and admit it to God plainly.

"My heart is cold. I don't have the passion I should right now to plead for the lost. I'm selfish and wanting my own way. But Lord Jesus, open my mouth to speak your words, not my own, for they are empty. Replace my cold heart with yours even now."

And as often as I pray it, isn't it amazing...He hears and answers.

Not that it immediately becomes easy, or that my flesh doesn't struggle in prayer. But He renews my purpose for prayer, the pursuit of His greater glory among all mankind. He has delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from falling, I will call upon the Lord...

Prayer for the advancement of His Glory, the Great Commission of the Church, is discipline. Let us exhort one another daily to be faithful.