Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Maps as a Mission Resource-Reason #2

Maps keep the world before our eyes and remind us that the task of spreading the Gospel is far from finished.

Particularly, look at the 10/40 window, that vast expanse of population between the 10 and 40th parallel that contains the majority of the world’s still unreached people groups. It encompasses the most heavily populated countries in the world, including China, India and the Middle East. It contains over 70% of the world's people but only 8% of the missionary efforts.

Spending even 5 minutes looking at the countries in the 10/40 window is enough to stir my heart. The 10/40 window is not just mission’s terminology; it is made up of real places, real people, and souls precious to God.

It is way too easy to become complacent living an average Christian life in America. But when I look at my world map each night, hanging just above my bed, the Holy Spirit reminds me that the task ahead is still so big, life so short, and God’s glory so magnificent, that Christians must not compromise, give up, or loose heart before finishing the assignment.

Map It:
Take a moments with a world map to familiarize yourself with the 10/40 window is and what countries are located there. Here are some facinating facts about this region. Do you know any missionaries working over there? Pray for them today. Pray the Lord will send workers into His Harvest.