Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tuesday: Praying for our Missionaries

Tuesday: Relationship with Other Missionaries!
  • Ability to submit to one another in love
  • Honesty and openness
  • Appreciate the strengths of others
  • Discernment for older missionaries mentoring young missionaries
So, now we have made a full circle. Seven days of specific prayer requests for those we support from home. I hope you've been making a list to keep for yourself. There are many other specific requests you could add under each of the categories, so pray in the Spirit as you go through this list.

Missionaries have frequently told me how much they appreciate it when we let them know how we are praying for them. So if you haven't done so recently, why not take a moment to send an email to a missionary friend and let them know they are in your prayers especially today.

To God be the Glory!