Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wear the Crown this Weekend

I can't believe this weekend is already here. Tomorrow the Voice of the Marytrs "Wear the Crown" missions conference begins in OK and I'm really excited to be attending.

One of the neat things I looking forward to is a special fellowship time in the evening when we will have opportunity to personally "meet our family," i.e. our persecuted brothers and sisters, face to face. So for weeks I've been asking family and friends, "What type of questions would you ask a persecuted Christian if you had 5 minutes with them?" I've been given some great ideas and I pray I have opportunity to ask some of them to the "family" I'll meet.

Next week I'll be sure to post pictures and highlights from the weekend. When God brings it to mind, pray for each of the people sharing at the conference, that God will be glorified in the things they share and that each person listening will have a heart prepared to receive and respond.