Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Story of Christianity

Here's one of my reading goals for the next month or two, The Story of Christianity, by Dr. Justo Gonzalez. This combined 2 volume tome is slightly daunting, with 800 some pages of small print, and a generous sampling of pictures and maps sprinkled throughout. It seemed a good idea to post this goal online, so as to have some outside accountability to actually finish it!

Dr. Gonzalez explores Church history, from beginning to present day. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy history, but typically it's not my bedtime reading material. I'm convinced, however, that having a solid understanding of Church history strongly shapes our view of God at work in the present.
God repeats many of his themes, like the leading line in a melody, through the centuries. There is myriads to learn and be challenged by, from the testimonies of Church fathers, missionaries, reformers, pastors, martyrs, and religious pilgrims. I'm looking forward to tracing the history of the global church, not just the American church, but that in Africa, Asia, south America, etc...

Another strong reason for looking back to church history, is getting a better perspective of how I fit into God's global plan. "Their" part, my part, and your part are all intertwined, and to have a true perspective of myself, I must look at my "family" before me.

I've only just chased a dozen or so pages down, but already I'm impressed with simple, sometimes profound, examples of God's purpose and plan for His children.