Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Missionary Heart is taking a few weeks vacation from 3x/week blogging until the end of July. Blogging is something I do because I want to fan a passion for missions in my life and in the life of anyone who happens into this blog. My prayers are so big for missionarheart blog and I'd love to see the Lord do something significant with it. Right now I just keep writing and praying by faith; this is what the Lord has directed me to do for this season and I can rest in leaving everything else up to Him.

When I'm back there are more topics than I had time to finish this summer, like missions and medicine. I want to do a whole segment on practical steps a young person who feels called to missions can take right now in order to prepare for long-term service. Plus, missionary interviews are on my list and there are so many good mission biographies to mention.

But then again, maybe before I get back to my computer the LORD Jesus will make His glorious return! We should always look forward to that day, pray for it, haste it, and wake up asking, "What if it were today?" It keeps us reminded were are just strangers on this earth, passing through. It keeps us reminded that we must redeem the time making His name famous.

God be with you

Monday, July 03, 2006

News and Views

Another thought on the VOM conference...I was reminded that there is so much more going on around the world than we ever hear reported in the news. In my mind, I know God is as work, but sometimes in the day to day grind of listening to politicized news, it becomes second thought rather than a fore thought.

For example, as we listen to the political blurps about news in Iraq and Iran, we shouldn't forget that God is doing something utterly awesome in reviving the heart-hunger of these Muslims toward Himself. He is creating revival. He is creating a people for Himself--new brothers and sisters in Christ. Listening to world news should be like an outline for prayer targets that day. New people are being brought into a saving faith in Jesus every hour and they covet our prayers.

What news can we pray through today?