Is my life Vital and Strategic?
Last post I mentioned the Perspectives National conference in Dallas, Texas. A report is overdue. What an absolutely amazing weekend spent with people of all ages passionate about missions. I didn’t know a soul when I walked into the place Thursday night, but it wasn’t hard to make friends, especially during meals. (During lunch break everyone with a car held up a sign in the lobby with the name of a local restaurant. If you wanted to eat there, you would join the group. It was a corny system, but it was great fun for meeting new people.)
I took alot of notes (handcramp!) and bought my budget’s worth of books. Just a few of the dozen sessions I attended included: Keeping Apostolic Passion Alive in Your Heart, mobilizing college campuses, Giving children a heart for missions, and Expecting Great Things of God. This was all heart fuel for me; all solid, immensely practical teaching.
Thirty plus mission organizations had booths set up and it was neat to visit with each: ELIC, Navigators, OMF, Pioneers, The Traveling Team, etc… How encouraging to meet workers from all over the world, to hear their passions and see how God is using them to spread His Gospel. How much we miss in this life when lose sight of the big picture God is working out in all parts of His Body. Sometimes we get ourselves cornered within one or two ministries or denominational outreaches, and forget that God is at work far, far outside the boxes we draw. Each one of these is filling a place in the spread of the Kingdom. Have you looked outside your box lately?
What’s interesting is that even with all these ministries, not all the places are full, not all the tasks are assigned. People are still unreached. That’s why God has put specific dreams and creative ideas in YOUR heart and mine. I believe every Christian can find a way to live with vital, strategic significant in God’s global purpose.
That’s worth repeating: Your role is vital and strategic when you are walking in obedience! Say that to yourself when you look at the mirror in the morning. Isn’t that amazing? That God allows us (He doesn’t need us) to partner with Him in touching the people of the world. It may be teaching little children, developing websites, stitching up someone arm in the E.R., starting a business, selling insurance (that sounds familiar), creating a new product, passing out literature in Brazil, or writing a book. Although we don’t just fall into this vital, strategic role by default—we have to pursue it. We must be intentional about it. Above all, we must be obedient.
So here’s my reflection: In every generation there are just a few who truly “expect great things of God and attempt great things for God”. They pray big. They walk in grace and yet shudder from being entangled with the affairs of this world. They know their own weakness and therefore walk in humility. These are the men and women poised for vital, strategic significance in God’s kingdom. Who will join the ranks?